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Garshana (pronounced gar-shan), often called “dry-brushing,” is ayurvedic lymphatic massage that helps remove ama (digestive toxins). In Sanskrit, garshana means “friction by rubbing.” Garshana is an exfoliating lymphatic massage using raw silk or wool gloves, toward your heart. We use long strokes over limbs and circles over joints.

The Garshana massage is ideally suited to Kapha dosha types. During this stimulating massage, raw silk gloves are worn by the practitioner in order to create friction on the surface of the skin. The friction increases blood circulation, helping to oxygenate the cells and stimulate the removal of accumulated toxins. It promotes weight loss and clears away clogging impurities that might cause problems such as cellulite.

Garshana is followed by abhyanga oil massage and is then typically followed by Swedana (steam box therapy) to further stimulate detoxification of the cells and pores through sweating. It also improves the tone of the skin, improves digestive capacity, awakens the energy sources, and alleviates sluggishness.


45 minutes : $150

Generally recommended a series of 7 therapies

Garshana (pronounced gar-shan), often called “dry-brushing,” is ayurvedic lymphatic massage that helps remove ama (digestive toxins). In Sanskrit, garshana means “friction by rubbing.” Garshana is an exfoliating lymphatic massage using raw silk or wool gloves, toward your heart. We use long strokes over limbs and circles over joints.

The Garshana massage is ideally suited to Kapha dosha types. During this stimulating massage, raw silk gloves are worn by the practitioner in order to create friction on the surface of the skin. The friction increases blood circulation, helping to oxygenate the cells and stimulate the removal of accumulated toxins. It promotes weight loss and clears away clogging impurities that might cause problems such as cellulite.

Garshana is followed by abhyanga oil massage and is then typically followed by Swedana (steam box therapy) to further stimulate detoxification of the cells and pores through sweating. It also improves the tone of the skin, improves digestive capacity, awakens the energy sources, and alleviates sluggishness.


  • Reduces excessive imbalanced Kapha or waste product of the body
  • Promotes the removal of adipose tissue (fat) from the tissues
  • Promotes circulation in the lymph and skin capillaries
  • Helps to reduce cellulite
  • Loosens toxins and impurities from the tissues
  • Makes the body lightweight
  • Improves circulation
  • Awakens the energy sources
  • Alleviates sluggishness
  • Promotes the weight loss
  • Clears away clogging of impurities in the skin
  • Improves glow of skin


  • Avoid when you are suffering with cardio vascular problems, such as hypertension, angina etc.,
  • Avoid vigorous abdominal massage during menstruation and if pregnant.
*These statements are not evaluated by Food and Drug Administration.  This therapy is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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