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Adopt Healthy Habits Gradually

*25 formulas for optimum health

  1. Try to awake before sunrise (approximately before 6 am)
  2. Brush teeth and clean tongue with stainless steel tongue scraper regularly
  3. Drink 1 teaspoon fresh lime / lemon juice + 2 teaspoons raw (uncooked) honey + 1 cup lukewarm water (you can prepare large amount of honey and lemon juice mix and keep in refrigerator)
  4. Make a daily habit of sitting on toilet with full attention
  5. Instill 3-4 drops ___________nasal drops in each nostril in the morning
  6. Gargle 1 teaspoon sesame oil with ¼ cup warm water regularly to strengthen gums and teeth
  7. Self oil massage with ____________________ oil regularly if possible (or 2-3 times weekly)
  8. Take warm shower / bath regularly once or twice regularly
  9. Stretching exercises, yoga for about 10-15 minutes daily
  10. Breathing exercises like Pranayama (breathing exercises) 2-3 minutes daily
  11. Practice meditation for 15-20 minutes regularly
  12. Have a light breakfast
  13. Work / study
  14. Lunch bigger meal at the middle of the day around 12:00 – 1:00 pm
  15. Eat mindfully without any distractions – talking, reading, walking, watching television, fast eating, slow eating
  16. Avoid eating left over, frozen, highly processed, high salty foods
  17. Sipping hot water throughout the day aids digestion and metabolism, keep you active, alert, curb cravings
  18. Avoid eating in between meals, particularly munching, nibbling etc.,
  19. Make a habit of going to toilet in the evening second time
  20. Evening meditation or prayer for about 10-15 minutes
  21. Dinner light meal between 7:00 – 7:30 pm
  22. Have light recreational activities
  23. Have a head towards East or South direction for natural sound sleep
  24. Try to sleep left side of your body
  25. Try to go bed before 10:00 pm (approximately)

* These recommendations are not intended for use in the diagnosis, treatment, prevention or cure of any disease.

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